What a privilege to reach a point in your life whereby you feel bright and energetic, yet you have gained all the wisdoms of learning through the ages; of building a career, raising a family and having had a successful international recognition of your capacities.
Ever the Entrepreneur
Even since the early 80's, when I spent 3 years backpacking throughout South East Asia and along the way set up 'Kakadu Tours' in Northern Australia (taking backpackers out to the Kakadu National Park for 4-night camping tours), I have been prone to see a gap in the market and try to fill it.
I put myself through college whilst raising 2 babies by baking cakes (Homemade Cakes UnLtd) and cleaning houses (Mrs. Mop) and working for the Social Services as a caregiver.
Then I graduated, and set up my first practice, The Apple Tree Clinic, from my home, so that I could still be a hands-on Mom; which then morphed into Naturechild and launched my conference and seminar provision, and then on to AcuHouse Ltd, my Harley St clinic specialising in Fertility, Pregnancy, and Paediatrics.
Every step of my career has been about seeing what isn't there and providing a solution.
I am a Canadian who has lived in the UK for over 3 decades.
Chinese Medicine Physician, Writer & Lecturer
I have practised Chinese medicine for 25 years, always from within a western medical office.
My specialist subject is the interplay between digestive, reproductive and adrenal hormones.
I have campaigned for integrated/functional medicine throughout my career; in my practice, as a university lecturer, and as an international speaker.
I am not licensed or registered to practice Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) here in Canada, only in the UK. As with Western medicine, each country has it's own TCM board-exam licensing systems.
University & International Lecturer
I have been undergraduate faculty for the Oxford Brookes University BA Acupuncture degree, and then faculty for the MA for Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
The MA course, which I wrote and taught, was designed as a fully integrative curriculum; 50% of the coursework encompassed Western diagnostics, treatment protocols, redflags and pharmaceutical applications as used in Obs & Gynae management.
I have had a long career as an international lecturer and conference speaker, known mainly for my expertice in obstetrics, gynacology and paediatrics.
I had the unexpected opportunity to take a sabbatical, and decided that after 30 years in Britain I wanted to spend some time back in North America.
My sons are both grown up, busy building their adult lives, and I saw a window of opportunity that would allow me to travel and explore.
So I packed up my little dog and we set off on our Epic Adventure: a spectacular road trip down Old Hyw 1 to LA, and spent 6 months living in Vencie Beach working on an obstetric project.
Next Stop, Seattle
discovering the next incarnation of my professional life.
At this point the seeds of what was to become Future XYZ had germinated, and so I set up my hot-desk at the Impact Hub, where I experienced a crash course in all things
I spent 18 months in Seattle, as the Founder & Creative Director of the social impact project
And Then, Shut-In...
I returned to Canada in late December 2019, to organise my work visa to go back to the US and continue with the Future XYZ project.
And suddenly, we were swamped by this worldwide pandemic.
The day I realised I NEEDED to get back to UK, to be with my family, was the day before they grounded international travel. Try as I might, I could not get a ticket.
I've decided to remain here in Vancouver for a while, to spend time with my Mom, and to re-launch Future XYZ as a virtual platform from this side of the border.