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Daily Mail, Monday August 8th - HRT for your Hair' by Victoria Woodall
Love the Muffin Top "That spare tyre that creeps up in our 40's is there for a reason and shouldn't be dieted away. 'Crash diets can contribute significantly to sudden hair loss' says Harley Street Chinese medicine and hormone specialist Jani White ( 'All through the perimenopausal phase, the body carefully stores extra oestrogen in the fat [adipose tissues] around the hips. By dieting to reduce this fat we drain the oestrogens our body is storing to help us have a healthy menopause.' A crash diet can show up 6 to 12 weeks later as excessive hair fall due to lack of nutrients, while a drop in oestrogen shortens the hair growth cycle, so it sheds before it reaches the lengths it used to. Jani advises a wholefood diet rich in quality proteins and fats, antioxidants (eg fruit and veg) plus phytoestrogens (eg flax seeds) which aid oestrogen production, as the best way to keep the hair flourishing. |